Merging With The Sacred
Guiding Seekers On The Healing Path
Through Ancient Practices + Ceremonies

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As I Am created by Alexandra Spergel encompasses various paths and modalities to guide aspirants back to their Truth. as a certified advanced yoga teacher with 600+ hours of training, Alexandra offers support through movement, breathwork, philosophy, mentorship, and ceremonial settings influenced by an array of cultures.

she leads public + private yoga classes, healing circles, retreats, and trainings that help to uncover inner wisdom and embodied Sacredness to those who decide to walk with her along the path.

in addition to supporting people through yoga, her personal journey with hormone imbalance, reproductive dis-ease, and sexual trauma led her to share what healed her naturally to others who suffer from the same diagnoses and experiences

Alexandra is a trauma-informed space holder who focuses on personal freedom, self exploration, feminine empowerment, and befriending grief.

Yoga does not ask us to compete with ourselves or others, it does not expect us to move in a pace that forces us beyond grace, it does not shame us or punish us for pauses in the journey, it does not neglect us or quit on us. The practice and lifestyle of yoga always accepts us as we are, however we are, in each moment. With acceptance comes the transformation. It begins with awareness; of our bodies, of our emotions, of our mind — and then transcends into an acceptance of that body’s ability, of those emotions no matter how triggering or painful or limiting they may be in that moment, of that mind and it’s racing thoughts or lack of direction — from that acceptance of meeting ourselves where we are, we can begin to experience the ripeness our practice offers.
— Alexandra Spergel

Current Weekly Schedule

no public class / available for private sessions

no public class / available for private sessions

10:30a hatha flow at Ocean Bliss Yoga in Belle Harbor, Queens NY

no public class / available for private sessions

7:30p yogic breathwork + gong bath at Ocean Yoga in Long Beach, NY

no public class / available for private sessions

10:30a sweat to surrender at Ocean Bliss Yoga in Belle Harbor, Queens

*stay updated on pop-up classes + substitutes by subscribing to the newsletter or following Alexandra on Instagram

you are able to register in advance for the underlined, linked yoga studios

Experiential Gatherings

nothing quite compares to the magic that is conjured when people who are devoted to learn about themselves, heal, and connect to Spirit come together. in community gatherings and retreats, friendships with people who get it and see you are formed - limiting beliefs are shed - clarity is found. these events bring us closer to our Truth, not just through the practices we engage in, but through the mirrors we become to each other in reflection, validation, and support.

love notes + testimonials


1 hr 15 min customized classes designed around your physical, mental, and spiritual needs - convenient with your schedule, right at your door