Yoga Teacher Training

History, Philosophy, Ethics, Postures, Community, Business 

100 hour Philosophy / 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training
2 Course Offerings Led by Alexandra Spergel & Paul Benedetto
November 4, 2023 - February 3, 2024

“If you want to learn about something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.” —Yogi Bhajan

Embark on an Enlightening Journey as a Certified Yoga Teacher!

Are you ready to evolve from being a passionate yoga student to becoming a confident and skilled yoga teacher? Or perhaps you're seeking to deepen your understanding and knowledge of yoga to enhance your practice? Our Yoga Teacher Training Course offers an incredible opportunity for personal growth, transformation, and to become a part of a vibrant spiritual community.

We are offering 2 different courses to choose from, which run simultaneously. Already a certified teacher and interested in continuing your education with yogic philosophy? Not interested in teaching at all, but love to practice and want to learn more about yoga off the mat? 100 hour philosophy course is for you.

For those who have a desire to work with the body as well, our 200 hour offering includes asana postures, sequencing, and class theming. Even if you don’t see teaching in your future, a 200 hour training is a great way to learn about your body, build strength, find peace, and continue your practice with correct alignment.

Your Teachers ::

By enrolling in our Yoga Teacher Training Course, you'll unlock the door to a world of possibilities. You will receive comprehensive training and guidance from experienced instructors who are dedicated to your growth as both a yogi and a teacher. Our program is designed to empower you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to inspire and guide others on their yoga journey.

Paul Benedetto, mastermind behind Buddhaful Yoga Studio in Massapequa will be our main asana (postures) teacher. Paul has been practicing yoga since 2009 and believes that devotion to the practice and dedicated time on the mat transforms the practitioner into their Higher Self. With his unique formula of sequences and charismatic entertaining energy, Paul will guide the class through alignment, anatomy, protective measures, using props, and variations of poses to ensure graduates feel confident in their own bodies and in their future classes leading others.

Alexandra Spergel will be guiding the philosophy portion of the training. Her passion for culture, history, reverence, and emotional relating shines through in her teaching style. Ancient wisdoms become alchemized into modern understandings, applying theories and concepts from thousands of years ago to our lives today. With Alexandra you will learn the true definition of yoga beyond the yoga mat; a lifestyle you embody and not just demonstrate with the physical form. Some topics she will cover include: 8 limbs of yoga, gurus, the sacredness of yoga, ethics, the koshas, chakras, and more. Students will also learn how to teach meditations and pranayama breathwork techniques with Alex.

Prem Sadasivananda is well-known for his lively and humorous talks, his accessible teaching style and his unique ability to bring the ancient Yogic scriptures and texts to life in the modern world. He is a scholar of Vedantic Philosophy, Hindu Scripture and Sanskrit. He will be leading some zoom sessions online as part of the philosophy portion of the training.

Lila Lolling is a classically trained yoga instructor, yoga therapist, environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author of Walking The Ancient Path Of Yoga. She leads embodied-learning experiences that transform your relationship with self, reconnects you to your Earth Mother, and highlights your crucial role in personal and planetary healing. She will also be leading some zoom sessions online as part of the philosophy portion of the training.

& more to be announced soon!

Guest Teachers ::



2 Course Options ::
100 hr yoga philosophy only
200 hr yoga teacher certification

The programs run from November 4 - February 3

In person sessions, held at Buddhaful Yoga Studio:
1-4 pm philosophy
4-5 pm break
5-8 pm asana (100 hr students leave at 4pm)

Zoom sessions online:
6:30-8 pm - replay available
for both 100 hr + 200 hr students


November 4, 11, 12, 18, 19
December 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17
January 6. 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28
February 3 *graduation party


November 8, 15, 29
December 6, 20, 27
January 3, 17

FIELD TRIPS (optional to NYC) ::

November 16, December 21, January 11

To keep our yoga courses accessible, we are offering a payment plan, spread out over 4 payments of 25% each.

Sign up before October 1 to save over $200 with our early bird special!

Deposits are refundable if withdrawing from the course before November 1

The program will not give any refunds or credits after the training begins. In case a student needs to withdraw from the program due to illness, accident, death in the family, or other circumstances that make it impractical for the student to complete the course, the program will take this as a case-by-case basis and decide on a reasonable refund or credit applicable to the student.


100 hour
$999 early bird
$1,222 full price

200 hour
$2,222 early bird
$2,500 full price



The remaining 3 payments, 25% each are due:
November 1, December 1, January 1

All payments to be paid by Zelle, Venmo, or wire transfer
Payment information will be sent upon application acceptance

We are now accepting credit card payments. If needing to pay by credit card, you will give your information to Paul over the phone and he will manually input it to charge. If paying through CC, please indicate in your e-mails with us!

Apply to Join

Past Retreats + Trainings