
Traditional Hatha Sun Salutations

This is a dynamic vinyasa (one breath, one movement) that activates the solar plexus, our inner fire. It increases the heart rate and is our prayer to acknowledge the power of the sun, of Lord Shiva (creator), and welcome those healing energies. Traditionally, we practice sun salutations facing East because that is the direction where the sun rises. Sun salutations feel like a moving meditation where we connect our breath to each posture and develop a single-point concentration on this 12-posture cycle. Sun salutations work just about every area of the body. It is a great sequence to strengthen one’s personal practice. If you ever are looking to flow but can’t make it to a yoga class and haven’t built a strong personal practice yet, simply coming to the mat and practicing 12 rounds of sun salutations (6 on each side) will bring you the same benefits as an hour long class with dozens of different postures. You will get everything you need out of an asana practice just by doing your sun salutations.