
3 Part Breath | Dirgha Pranayama

This practice involves diaphragmatic breathing (low belly), thoracic breathing (rib cage), and clavicular breathing (the chest). It can be done sitting upright in a meditative posture or lying down on the back. This variation is instructed with breath retention in between parts, but it can also be done fluidly with no pauses. 3 Part Breath helps the practitioner naturally take more full breaths in their day-to-day, it reduces stress, and creates a stronger connection between the mind and body. It is also known to lower blood pressure, lower the heart rate, and may provide relief for insomnia and other sleep disorders. I recommend trying this technique for 15 rounds. This is considered a safe practice for everyone with no contraindications, but pregnant people and others with chronic illnesses may want to consult with a physician before engaging.


Alternate Nostril Breathing | Nadi Shodhana